Monday, December 8, 2014

First Take A Block Live Blog: December 8, 2014

10:23 It's all NFL the rest of the day. Peace

10:22 BRILES should be upset.

10:21 Skip is using Minnesota as a common opponent.
Stephen A.: Did you see that weather!

10:15 Skip: Did you watch TCU Iowa State?
Stephen A.: No, why would I watch that game? My rankings were Alabama, Oregon, Florida State, Baylor
Skip: What about Florida State?
Stephen A.: What do you mean what about 'em? They are the defending national champions, undefeated for two years, and haven't lost a game. How can you leave them out?
Skip: Oklahoma State, it went down the wire, Clemson, without Jameis, barely won at home, Notre Dame, controversial call. Miami, Boston College, I don't know how they won those games. Florida, some random interception the other way. TCU would beat them.
Stephen A.: Florida State would win. TCU lost up 21 points in the 4th!
Skip: That's the point. They were the better team, but Bryce Petty just got hot at home.
Stephen A. Baylor stopped you! You had four possessions in the fourth quarter and didn't score! That's not Bryce Petty!

10:14 Last week, you said on national TV if Ohio State rocks with a thirdstring quarterback Wisconsin, you will reconsider. Hypocrite.

10:11 Stephen A.: I'm stepping back before saying this. I don't care two cents about what Mr. Bowlsby has to say. He is on the record in August as saying, "we will defer to our tiebreaker if there is a tie. Head-to-head" and recently said he MISSPOKE. Hypocrite.

10:11 Don't throw ESPN into this equation!

10:10 Ignore the SEC East! You're a hypocrite!

10:09 Stephen A.: NUMBER ONE It was less than two weeks ago you said three or four teams from the SEC should be in. Hypocrite.

10:07 Skip: SWC to WAC to Conference USA to Big East to 10-team Big 12. No one knows who they are, and that's why they didn't get in.

10:06 Skip: The BCS computers still have TCU ranked fourth.

10:05 Skip: TCU got all-time rocked, burned, ....(he is at a loss for words)
Skip: I'm going to run you into the rug on this one.
Stephen A.: (laughing)
Skip: This is all about sex appeal and TV ratings.

10:04 Skip: ESPN's FPI on Friday said Big 12, SEC, Pac-12, Big 10, ACC

10:03 Cari: Did the committee get a break with Ohio State's blowout win on Saturday night?

10:01 Okay College Football Playoff. I was wrong on the A Block topic.

10:01 Stephen A. is claiming he's a prophet due to his "correctness" in feeling what was going down with the Playoff.

10:00 the open is back to normal

Prediction of A Block Topic: Seahawks at Eagles

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