Friday, October 20, 2017

Chris Petersen

Rant #1, originally from a Facebook status Saturday night

Last week, Chris Petersen complained about "all the 7:45 PT starts" his team has, saying that they are undervalued nationally due to the fact the games are so late on the East Coast.

1) at the time he complained, he had had one game all season that started later than 7 PT.

2) he should be thankful tonight's game was 7:45 PT in what he perceives to be some kind of "hidden" timeslot where no one sees what happens. What an embarrassment.

3) it's not a hidden timeslot. Everyone saw what you did tonight. Sucked

Rant #2, originally from a text to my friend today

Chris Petersen gets a 12:30 game next week hosting UCLA, and no one will be watching. It's at the same time as Georgia/Florida, NC State at Notre Dame, and PENN STATE AT OHIO STATE

See, this is why ESPN released that stat that said that games later than 9 ET get higher viewership. It's an exclusive timeslot. Nothing else is going on. In all the previous timeslots of the day, attention is split. Well, I hope he's happy with his 12:30 game that no one will be watching 🙄

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