Thursday, July 31, 2014

First Take Live Blog July 31, 2014

9:01 Okay, Ray Rice has started talking. Sarah Spain. That's an epic last name.

9:00 I'm not a fan of finishing with the Cowboys instead of an epic FINAL TAKES segment

8:56 Coach says the Cowboys just have to learn how to win in Week 17. Has completely changed the topic. The Cowboys were 5-1 in div last year. Only game they lost was divisional championship game.

8:54 Does Tyron Smith's massive extension give any money to Dez Bryant?

8:48 Freddie has a great point. Sonny Gray got wrecked by JV in Game 5. Let's see what Lester can do against Justin Verlander.

8:47 Skip: Billy Beane strikes again!

8:44 I say if Jay cutler stays healthy, yes. if not, no

8:43 Herm says yes. Freddie says no.

8:42 #cutler4mvp

8:36 What happened in '48, '68, '98, and '08 will never happen again. Playoff!!

8:33 Pat says he's happy to be coaching an academic school. It's a great experience for him to know his students are earning great degrees.

8:29 Pat is proud of his players for attempting form a union because he remembers quite recently being a student athlete himself and he knows it needs to be improved.

8:23 Pat Fitzgerald after the break

8:20 Skip: I can't say that LeBron made a business decision at all because how does Cleveland give him a better chance to win a championship than Miami.

8:17 Freddie: LeBron made the right call because why would he give Dwyane and Pat headsup? If they leak it, it's over. He wanted to control the announcement, so he only told his family.

8:15 Mind you, he did say in n the Leastern Conference

8:13 Both Pat Riley and Dwyane Wade were blindsided by LeBron's announcement. But Pat is insane to say that the Heat will still be as competitive as anybody

8:06 "Tiger needs to kneel down in front of Butch Harmon and say, 'Please save me. I'm yours.'" -Skip Bayless

8:05 Everybody is yelling at each other on this show.

8:01 Danny will reevaluate if he wins one. Skip says that now that Rory has cleared up his personal situation, Rory will be Tiger. He will dominate and be out of Tiger's league. He's out of his mind.

8:01 COACH'S BOLD PREDICTION: Tiger will win 5 of the next 28 majors.

8:00 Coach: Rory will never be Tiger Woods.

7:57 Interviewer: "Does the goal of catching Jack in majors seem more distant than it seemed in 1997." Tiger: "It's a hell of a lot of closer than it was in 1997."

7:53 Stephen A is still appearing in commercial bumps.

7:52 I agree with Urban that deregulation is not the answer to anything in NCAAF.

7:50 Urban saying the SEC Network is a better opportunity for Tebow than the CFL or the AFL. What?

7:49 WOW! Skip and Urban both saying that "Tim became too big for his own good"

7:49 Great, we have two Tebow lovers on this show.

7:48 I can't believe he's saying he's surprised Tim is out of the NFL.

7:47 Urban says it's not about Braxton because they're improved the talent around him.

7:46 Skip: You won the game at Michigan obviously, but in the last 3 games, you gave up way too many points. That's not Ohio State football.

7:45 Why does Urban Meyer's lower third say 8-0 in Big Ten last season? They lost to Michigan State!

7:38 I think that the NFL needs a schedule of suspensions. They have a schedule of fines. $15,750 for this type of hit, etc. Each type of violation needs a set number of games suspension.

7:35 Danny: I don't like Ray's and John Harbaugh's comments so far. I hope today seems less insensitive. But nothing can show that he's a better man until we wait for a long time. Only time will tell.

7:34 Coach: If he has a prepared statement, I'm not a fan. The Ravens writing something for him to say is not anything compared to his saying what's in his heart. That's what I really want to hear.

7:33 Skip would like to see Ray Rice put his money where his mouth is and donate money to domestic violence awareness.

7:31 Ray Rice is scheduled to speak to the media later this morning. My thought: This morning Eastern Time? Does that mean we'll get to see him during this show?

7:26 I'm putting the A's in the World Series.

7:24 Coach: Yes, but he should ask veterans about the NFL. That's what I did when I was a rookie. Learn! Don't sit by yourself.

7:23 Danny: Training camp is a different feel to anything that's happened before, and it can be tough for some guys.

7:21 Skip: Johnny just believes that if you give him a chance in an exhibition game, he'lBREAKING: Red Sox and A's trade Jon Lester and Jonny Gomes for Yoenis Céspedes and a draft pick.

7:18 Danny: Sooner or later he's gotta win those guys over because right now they're going to battle for Hoyer.

7:14 There's a report (Jason LaCanfora) that Johnny Manziel has displayed "first-in, last-out mentality" and has been quiet and shy at camp, eating at the cafeteria by himself

7:13 I agree with Skip and Danny. The threat of something else needs to exist. Peyton Manning is a killer. Not eveyone can be he.

7:12 Skip: Yes, you definitely need the threat to exist to increase your value as a player.

7:11 Danny: The game is changing to where more quarterbacks are going to be running things like the read option and becoming more of a mobile threat.

7:11 Coach: People forget how athletic Steve Young was. But he too eventually became a pocket passer. It's still the way to go.

7:10 In the playoff game against the Seahawks, why didn't he get down? The rules are in his favor!

7:09 Skip says that around a year ago a Redskins source of his told him that RG2 and RG3 had decided that RG3 should be the next Peyton Manning and were being uncooperative with management about this.

7:06 Coach: If the defense still thinks it's a possibility, it becomes tough for assignments because they don't know to assign a pass rusher, linebacker, or defensive back on the quarterback.

7:04 Danny: Do you want to have a Ferrari and only be able to drive it 55?? Why would you want to allow yourself to let your opponents know it's no longer in the playbook? Even if for some reason it's not, it's ridiculous to tell the world.

7:03 Danny: Yes, they should keep it in the playbook, and RG3 needs someone to help him with the press. Why is he referring to the Heisman season at Baylor? His rookie year was enough to show that he has the ability to throw the ball.

7:02 RG3 saying that so far he's not run the read option in camp. Should the Redskins run the read option?

7:01 Okay, it's Herm Edwards and Danny Kanell, and Stephen A.'s name not even mentioned.

6:57 I missed yesterday's show, so I don't know who's filling in for Stephen A., or whether they're mentioning why he's suspended at all, or just playing it off as they usually do just by saying, "he's so-and-so in for Stephen A."

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