Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why the NFL should not eliminate the PAT, Part One

There's no reason to.

By my understanding, Goodell has said the reason he'd like to eliminate the PAT is to remove an uninteresting play and add an exciting play to the game. For fans. The words he always uses: for fans.

The thing is, the play he is suggesting is as follows: Teams no longer have to kick the PAT to get to 7. A touchdown is worth 7 points, but you can go for an 8th if you like, a running or passing play from the 2-yard line, but if you fail you go back to six. Ok, great. So Goodell wants to implement the exact same thing we already have for a 2-pt. conversion, except now if you'd rather go for one instead of two, you just raise your hand and say, "I'm not going for two," and you get the extra point automatically. I was particularly ashamed of America in general when Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith both agreed that Goodell's proposal would make the game more exciting. How would it make the game more exciting? Teams would go for two (which would now be called going for one) at the same frequency, probably only in the fourth quarter, and other than that they'd just go for one (which would now be called not going for one). If someone can explain to me why teams would go for the eighth point more frequently under the new system, please tell me, and then I'll be happy to refute your claim.

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